Hey friends and fans,
I hope you are all having a decent day and thank you for stopping by to read my blog.  :)  I wanted to add this personal entry because it was bothering me a bit that the public was confused as to what I did with my breasts, so here I am to inform anyone who may have been misconceived.
Since the age of 12-13 when I hit puberty and sprouted D cup breasts in 6th grade, I’ve had to deal with properly supporting my chest.  All of my life I had anywhere from D to DDD boobies depending on my weight (which fluctuated often).  They were, over the years, getting saggier and as a nude model, my body looking attractive is essential to quality work.  In Aug of 2014 I had a minor procedure done known as a mastopexy.  It’s a fancy term for a breast lift.  Nothing to do with the muscle, just tissue, and certainly no implanting of any kind.  Mostly just tissue and fat removed and reshaped. My doctor also suggested I get an areola reduction (reducing the size of the nipple) since they were quite large and unproportionate to my breast.  Below are some photos showing what I have had done.  The top pic is a before and after example of someone that has had the same procedure as me.  The pics below that are examples of how my breasts look before and after the procedure, and you will see the scaring is exactly the same:
I had been asked over and over why I got “fake boobs”, well as you can see from the pics above, I have not.  :)  I am on my way to a full recovery and my scars will heal more and more with time.  I thank anyone who understands and supports my situation.  It was never easy carrying those things around when they touched my chest lol.  :)  And to be honest it has boosted my confidence no end.
Thanks for reading,
Bri xo